On November 10, 2016 the Swiss Packaging Institute held a meeting in Zurich, Switzerland focusing on controversial aspects of packaging. Harald Pilz, Senior Consultant at denkstatt GmbH, Austria and Fredy Dinkel, Environmental Consultant at Carbotech AG, Switzerland gave examples on how to evaluate the environmental impact of packaging. They generally concluded that the packaging contributes to only a few percent of the total carbon footprint of packaged food. Dinkel also introduced the term ‘permanent materials’ and distinguished them from renewable and nonrenewable materials. Commonly used permanent materials include metals and glass (FPF reported). Other presentations covered the topics eco-design of products, new developments in the packaging industry, food-grade carton board and the EU recycling targets.

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SVI (November 10, 2016): “Kontroverse um Verpackungen – Schutzfunktion oder Ökologie?