On January 15, 2018, the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) published a new report entitled “The Circular Economy: Starting progress measurement.” The report is part of the Dutch government’s program “A circular economy in the Netherlands by 2050” which foresees to reduce raw material consumption by 50% before 2030. Indicators for progress monitoring are proposed and the target for raw material consumption is further elaborated. The report recommends to “work towards a circular equivalent of the National Energy Outlook (NEO), combining a focus on effects in the here and now, steps taken in the transition, and an assessment of current policies.”

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RIVM (January 17, 2018). “The Circular Economy: Starting progress measurement in the Netherlands.

RIVM (January 15, 2018). “The Circular Economy: Starting progress measurement (Dutch only, English synopsis).


RIVM (January 15, 2018). “Circulaire economie: Wat we willen weten en kunnen meten – Systeem en nulmeting voor monitoring van de voortgang van de circulaire economie in Nederland.(pdf; in Dutch)