In Concord, Massachusetts (MA), US a ban of single use PET bottles has been in effect since 2012 and a repeal effort was rejected on April 24, 2013. At the town meeting, the repeal was rejected with 687 versus 621 votes. Manchester by the Sea, MA, US approved the ban of thin plastic bags at the town meeting on April 1, 2013. The By-law still needs to be approved by the Massachusetts Attorney General in order to take effect on July 1, 2013. In Brookline, a suburb of Boston, MA single use plastic bags, polystyrene cups and containers were banned in November 2012. Polystyrene was also banned in Amherst in November 2012. Further, Pittsfield (see FPF article) and Somerville are debating to ban polystyrene. In Great Barrington polystyrene food containers have been banned since 1990 and corrugated paper cups and aluminum trays or plastics other than polystyrene are used instead.