In a press release published on August 9, 2019, the Food and Drug Administration of the Philippines announced that “the manufacture, importation and distribution of infant feeding bottle[s] and sippy cups containing Bisphenol A (BPA) shall not be allowed.” Stakeholders are being given a six month period to recall affected products from the market. The document references the bans already in place for the chemical in similar articles in Canada, the EU, and China. It also notes the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Meeting held in November 2010 that found higher dietary exposure to infants from migration of BPA from polycarbonate bottles. The ban in the country follows a request from non-governmental organizations made in 2014 (FPF reported).

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Philippines Food and Drug Administration (August 9, 2019). “Ban of bisphenol A (BPA) from infant feeding bottles and sippy cups as child care article products.” (pdf)

Ellen Daliday (August 14, 2019). “Philippines bans BPA in baby bottles and sippy cups.” Chemical Watch