A new Danish study published online October 15, 2013 in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Human Reproduction found exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances linked to later first menstruation (Kristensen et al. 2013). Kristensen and colleagues analyzed questionnaires completed by 343 Danish women aged 20, and compared them to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) levels measured in their mothers during pregnancy. PFOA is used in non-stick cooking ware and water and stain-resistent coatings of food contact paper and board. Daughters exposed to higher levels of PFOA in the womb reported a 5 months later age of first menstrual period (menarche). In women, menarche is one way of assessing the timing of puberty. However, the study only included girls that started menstruating before age 11.5 and the significance of timing of first menstrual period for the general health of women remains unclear.

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Envrionmental Healht News (November 26, 2013). "Perfluorinated chemical linked to later menstruation."


Kristensen, SL et al. (2013). “Long-term effects of prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances on female reproduction. Human Reproduction (published online October 15, 2013).