Researchers propose Global Plastic Pollution Observation System

Environmental Science and Technology publishes paper proposing the establishment of the Global Plastic Pollution Observation System; would assist evidence-based policymaking by standardizing data collection on plastic pollution in atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic ecosystems; serve as “umbrella” by partnering with existing programs and initiatives at multiple scales

Survey to define Safe and Sustainable by Design

European Commission seeks stakeholder views on the “principles of Safe and Sustainable by Design when applied to chemicals and materials, and… [possible] criteria for a safe and sustainable-by-design approach”; works toward implementing vision of the European Green Deal and Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; survey open until June 30, 2021

NGOs petition US FDA to ban PFAS in food packaging

NGOs in the United States including the Environmental Defense Fund, Center for Food Safety, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, and the League of Conservation Voters, send petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling on the agency to ban all PFAS in food packaging; US Representative Dingell plans to introduce legislation banning PFAS to US House of Representatives

£7 million for innovative UK plastic supply chain projects

Innovate UK seeks applications from UK businesses, institutions, charities, etc. to fund ambitious projects addressing UK Plastic Pact targets; project foci include: minimization/reduction of plastic packaging, food grade recycled polypropylene and polyethylene, and packaging suitable for reuse, refill; application open until September 8, 2021

Short assessment on alternatives to plastic straws

In preparation for the EU Single-Use Plastic Directive taking effect July 3, 2021, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) releases short report on alternatives to plastic straws; suggests silicone, stainless steel or glass for frequent use; for single-use, durum wheat with cold drinks and paper or board are safe if no chemicals of concern added

European Commission publishes Single-Use Plastics Directive guide

The European Commission (EC) published a guide for applying Directive (EU) 2019/904 on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, known as the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) Directive; defines plastics and SUPs; composite materials and biodegradable plastics included in Directive; Member States must have measures in place by July 3, 2021

Study assesses migration from recycled HDPE milk bottles

Paper in Resources, Conservation, and Recycling investigates chemical migration from recycled high-density polyethylene (rHDPE); when recycled milk bottles mixed with non-milk-bottle rHDPE, resulting plastic contaminated with chemicals of concern; rHDPE from well-sorted, decontaminated milk bottles may be clean enough for food contact; octocrylene and octinoxate still migrate at concerning levels, reduction may require further decontamination or changes in manufacturing or legislation

EDQM guide on European paper and board FCM regulations

The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM) publishes “technical guidance relating to the requirements, compliance testing and supporting documentation for paper and board materials” used in food contact materials and articles; includes overview of European FCM regulations, aims to harmonize paper and board regulation; provides instructions to test compliance, detect recycled materials, prepare supporting documentation

Discrepancy between ECHA chemical authorization and production volumes

ChemSec finds statement in recent European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) press release misleading; ECHA claims hazardous chemical usage down 97% in the European Union, but percentage based on chemical volumes in company applications for authorization and not on registered production volumes

Analysis finds pesticides, PFAS in plant-based packaging

EU consumer groups find chemicals of concern above recommended limits in single-use tableware made of molded plant fiber or palm leaf, and paper straws; of 57 sampled items, 53% have chemical concentrations above recommended limits, including 100% of molded plant-fiber plates and bowls; per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) present in 66% of articles, pesticide residues in 28%; argues EU must create chemical regulations for non-plastic single-use food packaging