Scientists meet in Berlin 11-13 September

Experts meet in Berlin 11-13 September to discuss low dose effects and non-monotonic dose responses

Denmark plans to ban four phthalates

Denmark’s Ministry of the Environment has decided to move forward with a ban of the four phthalates DEH, DBP, DIBP and BBP

NY Times on EDCs

Op-ed in NY Times calls for more regulation of EDCs, discusses new research on epigenetic transgenerational effects of BPA.

Spain aims to restrict use of recycled material in food contact materials

The proposal would limit the use of recycled material in PET food contact materials to 50%

EFSA publishes opinion on mineral oils

In an opinion published in June EFSA concludes that there might be a need of reconsideration of Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs) of some  Mineral Oil ‘saturated’ Hydrocarbons (MOSHs)

European project to develop bioplastic to reduce food waste

A joint European project called ISA-pack shall develop a PHB bioplastic able to reduce food waste through extending shelf life.