Low dose experts meet in Berlin

Experts unite in Berlin to discuss low dose effects and non-monotonic dose response curves

EFSA to deliver scientific opinion on endocrine disruptors

EFSA will report on human health and environmental risks from endocrine disruptors in the food chain

Ongoing research project on xeno-hormones in food contact materials

Austrian research project assesses migrants from food packaging with hormone active properties

Maternal PFCs levels linked to growth and development in British girls

British study links maternal polyfluoroalkyl compounds to postnatal growth and development of girls.

Prenatal cadmium levels associated with lower IQ in children

Cohort study in rural Bangladesh finds that maternal cadmium levels are linked to IQ in 5-year-olds.

CDC release updated human exposure data

CDC release updated human exposure data from NHANES on food contact substances

Health Canada: Bisphenol A from dietary exposure is safe

Health Canada reaffirmed its earlier conclusion that dietary exposure to Bisphenol A is not thought to pose a health risk

Belgium bans Bisphenol A for young children

Belgium adopted a ban of Bisphenol A in all food contact materials of products aimed at children under three.

Gain weight because of endocrine disruption?

A study by scientists from the New York University’s School of Medicine published in September 2012 found elevated levels of a common food contact substance, bisphenol A (BPA), to be associated with a higher risk for being overweight in children and adolescents. The study used nationally representative data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study collected in 6 to 19 year old US inhabitants. The study’s design does not permit conclusions regarding causation, however biological plausible explanations of how BPA may cause overweight or obesity do exist, making the study relevant and highlighting the need for further research.

NGOs add EDCs as an emerging issue to their agenda

At the international conference in September delegates agreed to include new measures to a multistakeholder policy framework on the safer production and use of chemicals