Ingestion of phthalates may also be linked to asthma

Irrespective of the route of exposure, a high body burden of phthalates was found to be associated with asthma in Norwegian children

New study finds humidity to be crucial for assessing migration

Danish researchers have studied migration of benzophenone from paperboard into a solid food simulant and identified relative humidity as a critical factor that needs to be taken into account in migration modelling of compounds with aromatic groups.

Virtual forum on childhood obesity and environmental factors

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) is hosting a virtual forum on childhood obesity and possible links to environmental exposures. In particular, early life chemical exposures will be explored as a possible explanation for the huge increase in obesity in the U.S. and around the world.

Nature: Linking obesity and Bisphenol A

Researcher reviews in the scientific journal Nature Reviews Endocrinology evidence of Bisphenol A causing obesity in children and adolescents .

European total diet study to estimate exposure to contaminants in food

A Europe wide research project will analyze contaminants in a wide variety of foods to estimate total dietary exposure.

German television channel finds diethylhexyl phthalate in food

A sampling of different food stuffs by a northern German broadcast finds the phthalate diethylhexylphthalate (DEHP) in packed cheese, butter and cream.

ECETOC publishes compilation on endocrine disruptors

European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals compiles package of publications on endocrine disrupting chemicals

Analysis of food-packaging migrants: Review of the state-of-the-art

A scientific review article published in the peer-reviewed journal Trends in Analytical Chemistry describes recent advances in the analysis of food packaging migrants.

New research on migration of phthalates into foods

A newly published article identifies PET dishes used to package heated meals as source of two phthalates, while the same meals packaged in aluminum trays did not show elevated levels. All meals contained both phthalates prior to packaging. 

U.S.: Discordance on self-affirmed GRAS substances

Lack of information for self-affirmed GRAS (generally recognized as safe) substances has been highlighted by scientists of the public interest group PEW Charitable Trust in the US. Now the industry reacts by making available a database with manufacturers self-determined GRAS substances, used in food contact materials and/or food. Critics maintain that this effort is insufficient, and that a proper safety assessment needs to be carried out by the regulator instead.