Microplastics can lead to behavioral changes in mice

Scientists find polystyrene microplastics reduce cell viability, translocate in the body, modify mice behavior, and change their liver and brain immune markers after short-term exposure; effects potentially age-dependent; two reviews summarize nano- and microplastic impacts on fertility and potential implications

Summer 2023 research snapshot: PFAS in food packaging, food, and potential health impacts

A summary of eight studies; scientists quantify per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in French fast food packaging; detect eleven PFAS in baking trays from China but not Spain; find PFAS in straws made of paper, bamboo, glass, and plastic; “compostable” service ware can contaminate compost with PFAS; find PFAS in edible oil worldwide; further articles focus on PFAS in drinking water, in Asia, and effects on child respiratory health

Consumers perceive compostable packaging as most sustainable, report says

McKinsey report investigates consumers’ attitudes toward sustainability in food packaging; finds hygiene & food safety, as well as shelf life are most important aspects to consumers; consumers think compostable and plant-based packaging is the most sustainable, metal containers among least sustainable

Australian government to start regulating packaging

Australian environment ministers agree to “address the use of harmful chemicals in food packaging,” create packaging design standards and targets, harmonize curbside recycling programs; details forthcoming

European Commission allows DEHCH for food contact

DEHCH deemed safe as additives in PVC for food contact; comes into effect 20 days after publication in EU’s Official Journal

Scientists recommend policy actions to reduce EDC health impacts

Review describes how cost and disease burden of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) can be reduced by policy actions informed by science; recommended solutions include updating testing to account for mixture, cumulative exposure, effects occurring later life; second review summarizes studies linking EDC exposure with immunological and metabolic impacts during pregnancy

ZWE critiques industry-funded Life Cycle Assessments on reusable packaging in new report

Zero Waste Europe compares three packaging life cycle assessment (LCA) studies; two are industry-funded, one is published by a university; finds that industry funding introduces heavy biases when making assumptions about reuse systems; also finds industry-funded reports lack transparency in methodologies

Plastics stay longer in the ocean than previously estimated, scientists report

3D-model study finds 3,200 kilotonnes of buoyant marine plastic litter in 2020, majority on the surface and >25 mm in size; projects annual growth of 4%; solves mystery on ‘missing’ sink for plastic pollution

16th amendment to EU Regulation 10/2011 on plastic FCMs now in force

EU amends plastic FCM regulation; adjusts specific migration limits for five phthalates; removes authorized use of two FCMs; adds five new authorized substances; came into force on August 1, 2023

Oligomer migration from PET and Tritan™

Scientists find cyclic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) oligomers migrate into fatty food simulants but not olive oil; levels higher from recycled compared to virgin PET; comprehensive extraction and migration experiments of Tritan™ products find oligomer migration from bottles of no toxicological concern but microwaveable containers were non-suitable for food heating