In an article published on April 25, 2016 the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) informs about its position on regulatory cooperation on chemicals between the EU and the U.S. under the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). According to Cefic, “a strong and ambitious EU-U.S. free trade agreement will be essential to long-term economic success on both sides.” The benefits for the chemical industry include: 1) Improved exchange of information for scientific evaluation and risk assessment of chemicals, 2) aligned classification and labeling of chemicals, 3) early cooperation for greater regulatory alignment, and 4) reduced government-mandated animal testing.

“TTIP represents an excellent way to agree a way of enhanced regulatory cooperation between the EU and U.S. that maintains the highest safety standards,” stated René van Sloten, Executive Director of Industrial Policy at Cefic. “Even with such closer regulatory collaboration, chemicals in Europe still remain subject to REACH,” Sloten asserted.

Further details can be found in Cefic’s position paper on chemicals in TTIP. Also, Cefic compiled a “myth vs. facts” sheet regarding chemicals in TTIP.

Read more

Cefic (April 25, 2016). “TTIP: A strong foundation for regulatory cooperation on chemicals.

Cefic (September 8, 2015). “Regulatory co-operation and chemicals in TTIP.(pdf)

Cefic (2016). “Chemicals in TTIP.(pdf)

Chemical Watch (April 26, 2016). “NGOs, industry set out positions as TTIP talks resume.