On September 17, 2014 the Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe published a report claiming that regulators in the European Commission ignore their obligation to include independent science when deriving safe exposure levels. The obligation is set out in the EC Regulation 1107/2009 on pesticides. Based on an analysis of seven risk assessment dossiers for pesticides, PAN Europe concludes that only 23% of important toxicity studies from academia were identified by industry and none was considered relevant and reliable enough to be included. PAN Europe criticizes Member States failing to enforce the mandatory search for independent studies and allowing for a dismissal of the studies identified on the grounds that they are not OECD-test protocol compliant. PAN Europe finally demands in the assessment that the EU institutions have to address the issue, rather than turning regulation into a dead letter.

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PAN Europe (September 17, 2014). “Legal obligation to base pesticide approval decisions on science dismantled by EU regulators and industry.