On May 27, 2019, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published three new reports within their series titled “Safety of manufactured nanomaterials.” The OECD writes that “together, the ‘Physical-Chemical Decision Framework to Inform Decisions for Risk Assessment of Manufactured Nanomaterials’ and its ‘Guiding Principles’ are collectively intended to facilitate the identification of the most useful parameters and best available methods while maintaining rigor in data quality and reporting. Together they offer an approach to gather fit-for-purpose physico-chemical information to more fully understand the behavior of nanomaterials in biotic and abiotic systems.” The third report published “aims to summarize relevant information on activities related to manufactured nanomaterials, as well as other activities on nanotechnologies at the international level” following a February 2019 meeting of the OECD’s Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials (WPMN). The framework itself is described as a living document that “will be subject to amendment and refinement as researchers gain greater understanding in using it.”

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OECD (May 27, 2019). “Publications in the Series on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials.”

NIA (June 3, 2019). “New OECD publications on nanosafety.


OECD (May 27, 2019). “Physical-chemical decision framework to inform decisions for risk assessment of manufactured nanomaterials.” (pdf)

OECD (May 27, 2019). “Guiding principles for measurements and reporting for nanomaterials: physical chemical parameters.” (pdf)

OECD (May 27, 2019). “Developments in delegations on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials – tour de table.” (pdf)