In an article published on April 24, 2017 the non-profit organization Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) informs that representatives of EU Member States (MS) and the European Commission (EC) held another meeting on April 7, 2017 to discuss the criteria for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the field of plant protection products and biocides. This latest meeting on the matter involved the biocides committee expert group.

The EC’s proposals for EDC criteria “have been heavily criticized . . . and have failed to garner the much-needed quorum of supporters amongst Member States so far,” HEAL writes. After the latest meeting, the EC committed to prepare another revised draft proposal which shall be discussed at the next meeting of the biocides committee expert group. The date of the next meeting has not yet been announced, HEAL reports.

HEAL further highlights that the public interest group coalition EDC-Free Europe “has repeatedly warned that further delays to adopt high quality and scientifically sound criteria will have severe health impacts.” Also, the scientific organization Endocrine Society has expressed concern that the EC’s proposal “cannot be called science-based” and is “neither effective, efficient, nor coherent to make it fit for purpose.” HEAL also refers to a citizen petition entitled “SumOfUs” which calls on MS to reject the EC’s proposed EDC criteria.

The EC’s revised draft EDC criteria and information regarding past and upcoming meetings can be found on the website of the EC’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE).

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HEAL (April24, 2017). “European Commission is unable to turn the page on endocrine disruptors (EDCs).