On July 1, 2015 the University of Exeter Medical School published an announcement about a novel research project on chemicals in food packaging. The citizen science project aims at assessing the effects of dietary changes on bisphenol A (BPA; CAS 80-05-7) body levels in 120 participating year 12 students. Students will contribute to all stages of the study, including design, data collection, reporting and media outreach, giving them insight into the scientific method and motivating them to learn about science. The study is run by Prof. Lorna Harries and Prof. Tamara Galloway, University of Exeter, UK.

“Teenagers are known to be the group with the highest levels of BPA in their bodies”, the press release states. By making decisive changes to their diet for one week, students will monitor how avoiding packaged foods affects BPA levels and marker gene expression in their bodies.

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University of Exeter – Medical School (July 1, 2015). “Devon pupils lead citizen science on plastic.”