In an article published on July 18, 2018, industry association PlasticsEurope informed about a workshop “Connecting expert communities to address marine litter in life cycle assessment [(LCA)]” that took place on May 22-23, 2018, in Brussels. The workshop was co-organized by the Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation (FSLCI) and sponsored by ExxonMobil, Braskem and PlasticsEurope. Its aim was to “bring together for the first time around 30 marine biology and LCA experts eager to cooperate.” The workshop participants “confirmed their interest in . . . further developing the current missing link with LCA practice.” PlasticsEurope explains that “including LCA will enable decision makers to get an informed environmental overview of the life cycle of products . . . to select the best possible design and stewardship options.”

The PlasticsEurope’article provides a link to the slides presented during the workshop. As a follow-up, FSLCI plans to “write a public report,” “create a public and free e-platform,” and “organize other sponsored workshops in different regions of the world . . . to keep momentum.”

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PlasticsEurope (July 18, 2018). “Unprecedented scientific workshop on LCA and marine litter sponsored/hosted by PlasticsEurope.