The European Environmental Agency (EEA) report No 5/2013 published May 30, 2013 points out that while Europeans are overall healthier today, chemical risks are on the rise. The report states that chemical exposures arising from consumer products, particularly those having endocrine disrupting (ED) properties, may contribute significantly to environmental risks. It points to the presence of persistent and bio-accumulative chemicals with potentially endocrine disrupting properties in food packaging, plastics, textiles, cosmetics, pesticides and electronic goods. The report further acknowledges the significance of vulnerable time windows, such as early child development, for the later development of disease. The non-governmental organization Health and Environment Alliance comments in its press release from June 7, 2013 that the report shows how health and environment are at the heart of environmental policy and not just an aspect of it.

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EEA report No 5/2013

HEAL press release