In a press release on February 4, 2019, food and beverage company Nestlé announced the launch of an initiative in collaboration with neighboring Swiss companies Bühler and Givaudan, as well as with the Swiss technical research universities ETH Zurich and EPFL. Named the “Future Food Initiative,” the joint research program “encourages food and nutrition research in areas relevant to consumer trends and sustainability, and it includes a postdoctoral fellowship program to promote young scientists.” Up to ten fellowships will be awarded each year and currently the call for proposals is initially giving preference to the topics of “new protein solutions” and “exploring ancient plant varieties.”

Among the initiative’s five major goals, one of them is “intensifying the search for sustainable packaging solutions in order to eliminate plastic.”

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Nestlé (February 4 , 2019). “Nestlé co-founds Future Food Initiative to advance science related to food trends and sustainability.

Future Food (2019). “Future Food: A Swiss Research Initiative.

Jenny Eagle (February 5, 2019). “Givaudan, Nestlé and Bühler join Future Food Initiative.Bakery and Snacks