In February, 2021, the non-governmental organization Clean Production Action (CPA) announced the 2020 results of its 5th annual Chemical Footprint Project (CFP) survey finding for the first time seven companies scoring over 80% of the possible points.

In its survey, CPA evaluates and benchmarks the progress toward best practices in proactive chemicals management of participating companies. The over 30 enterprises surveyed range from small privately-owned to large multinational corporations. The seven “front-running” participants with scores of over 80% were identified to more likely (1) have an engagement of the senior management and boards in the management of chemicals, (2) publicly disclose Restricted Substances Lists (RSL) and manufacturing RSLs (MRSL), (3) measure their chemical footprint using the CFPs reference list of over 2’200 chemicals, as well as (4) invest in safer alternatives to chemicals of high concern (CoHCs).

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BIZNGO (February 11, 2021). “CFP 2020 Report: Front-runners in Chemical Footprinting.”

CFP (February 2021). “CFP 2020 Report.” (pdf)