On August 20, 2013 the French Ministry for Environment, Sustainable Development and Energy, and the Ministry for Social Affairs and Health published a working group report on the national strategy for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC). It contains various aspects ranging from additional research requirements like biomonitoring or low dose effects, regulatory changes, and compiling EDC lists. The strategy foresees limiting exposure to EDCs by exclusion from consumer products, including food contact materials. Sensitive population groups like pregnant women and young children are of particular concern.

According to the report that was drafted by an international working group, the French EDC strategy is intended to spur innovation. The report is open for public consultation until September 20, 2013. According to the French ministry for environment, the final strategy will be in line with the yet to be published new EU strategy on EDCs.


Rapport du groupe de travail: Propositions pour une stratégie nationale sure les perturbateurs endocriniens [Working group report: Suggestions for a national strategy on endocrine disruptors.]

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Quelle stratégie nationale sur les perturbateurs endocriniens?, French environmental ministry, August 20, 2013

France opens public consultation on endocrine disrupting chemicals. ChemicalWatch, August 21, 2013