On October 9, 2014 the Food Packaging Forum (FPF), a charitable foundation dedicated to science communication in the area of food contact materials, chemical migration and health, will hold its second public workshop entitled “Hazardous chemicals in food contact materials?”. Like the FPF’s first workshop held in October 2013, the second workshop will feature internationally renowned speakers from academic research, regulatory enforcement and regulatory authorities, public interest groups, and the food industry and supply chain. As such, Angel Nadal, FPF board member and Professor at University Miguel Hernández de Elche in Alicante, Spain, will hold a talk entitled “Is Bisphenol A a weak estrogen?”. Konrad Grob, Head of the Chromatography Unit at the Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland, will discuss “Ensuring safety and compliance of food contact materials”, and Tom Neltner of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC, formerly of the The Pew Charitable Trusts) will share views on the food safety situation in the U.S.. In addition, speakers from industry, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and regulatory authorities have been invited. A detailed program of the workshop, as well as registration details, will be available on the FPF’s website shortly.