In an article published on February 10, 2020, news provider Supply Chain Dive informed about insights from the 2019 Global Packaging Trends Report published by the Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies (PMMI). The market research study investigated global packaging markets across beverage, food, home care, personal care, and animal food products to identify current market shares and potential future trends. By material type in the year 2018, flexible plastics were found to lead the packaging market (27.9%), followed by PET bottles (16.5%), and then metal beverage cans (8.3%), glass bottles (8.2%), and thin wall plastic containers (7.2%). A total of 3,271 billion units of packaging were estimated to have been sold in 2018 across all sectors. Bottled water was by far the leading category with 300 billion packaging units sold (primarily PET), followed by beer (245 billion units; primarily glass), and drinking milk products (211 billion units).

The greatest category growth between 2018 and 2023 is expected in sugar confectionary packaging (6.5%), bottled water (5.5%), and yogurt and sour milk products (ca. 4%). Worldwide by 2023, flexible plastic packaging is expected to increase by 165 billion units driven largely by sugar confectionary and salty snack products. PET bottles are expected to increase by 109 billion units driven almost entirely by bottled water, and glass bottles are expected to increase by 16 billion units, driven by beer, bottled water, spirits, and wine. As overall trends, the report identified increasing consumer demand for convenience and options for smaller portion sizes. Sustainability and recyclability were also found to have emerged as “key themes of innovation.”

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Matt Leonard (February 10, 2020). “Flexible plastic makes up 28% of global packaging: report.”

PMMI (February 2020). “Global Packaging Trends Report 2019.”