On May 15, 2019, the Society of Toxicology (SOT) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) are hosting a colloquium titled “In silico methods for food ingredient, dietary supplement, and cosmetic safety” in College Park, Maryland. Presenters “will explore the science behind new international trends in the in silico safety assessment of chemical exposure” and in particular cover “the critical issues involved in alternative methods to animal testing and the rigorous treatment of uncertainties to obtain reproducible and transparent weight of evidence approaches to decision-making.”

The event is part of the series “Colloquia on emerging toxicological science: Challenges in food and ingredient safety” and is open and free for the public to attend in person or online via a webinar. The full program as well as registration are available on the event’s website.

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SOT (April 18, 2019). “SOT FDA colloquium series continues May 15 with focus on in silico methods.”