On October 28, 2014 eight European countries signed a letter urging the new EU Commission to strengthen chemical legislation for nanomaterials and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). The initiative, which was commenced  by Denmark, is supported by ministers of the environment from Sweden, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Norway and Austria. The participating countries addressed a letter to the new commissioners for the environment and industry, respectively, Karmenu Vella and Elżbieta Bieńkowska. The letter demands improvements in five areas:

  • Reduction of EDC consumer exposure
  • Checking that nanomaterials are safe to use
  • Replacement of hazardous substances in products
  • Regulation of chemical content of imported products
  • Ensuring sufficient information about chemicals is provided by manufacturers.

According to Sweden’s Minister of Climate and Environment Åsa Romson, the Nordic countries are working on regulation of EDCs and argue that the Commission’s progress is not sufficient. In the letter they thus highlight which measures are required to protect human health and the environment at the European level.

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Swedish Government Offices (October 29, 2014). “EU måste agera om hormonstörande ämnen.(in Swedish)

Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment (October 29, 2014). “Tine Sundtoft og europeiske minister-kolleger krever strengere kjemikaliepolitikk i EU.(in Norwegian)