The European Commission (EC) published a summary report of the Joint DG JRC – DG SANTE symposium on “Nanomaterials in Food: Reliability of measurement results” that took place on May 3-4, 2017 in Ispra, Italy. The meeting was attended by the EC’s Directorates-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), and Environment (DG ENV), Member States (MS), the food industry, and academia. The symposium consisted of five sessions: 1) EU legislation and risk assessment, focusing on the revision of the nanomaterial definition, regulation of nanomaterials in food and food contact materials (FCMs), and risk assessment of nanomaterials in food; 2) identification and characterization of nanomaterials in food; 3) detection and quantification of nanomaterials in food and FCMs; 4) harmonized analytical methods and reference materials, and 5) MS experience in analyzing nanomaterials in food and FCMs, as well as key messages and conclusions.

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EC (2017). “Summary Report of the Joint DG JRC- DG SANTE symposium Nanomaterials in Food: Reliability of measurement results, 3-4 May 2017, Ispra, Italy.(pdf)