On June 12, 2018, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) informed that the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) “has been updated with new information about nanomaterials within the EU regulatory framework, how they are used in different sectors, such as food, medicine and environmental research, and how to use nanomaterials safely at work.”

The EUON now features two searchable databases: 1) NanoData and 2) eNanoMapper. The first database “contains data on different products, research projects, publications, patents and companies and helps you to visualize statistics quickly through built-in charts and graphs.” The second database “gives access to one of the largest data sources currently available on the toxicological properties of nanomaterials.”

The EUON was launched by ECHA in June 2017 upon request by the European Commission (EC). The observatory was established as a measure to increase transparency on nanomaterials use in Europe after the EC had decided against an EU-wide register for nanomaterials with mandatory notification for industry (FPF reported).

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ECHA (June 12, 2018). “EU nanomaterials observatory updated with two searchable databases.

Chemical Watch (June 12, 2018). “ECHA adds new databases to EU nanomaterials observatory.

NIA (June 12, 2018). “NanoData and eNanoMapper hosted by European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials.