The scientific association Society of Toxicology (SOT) is collaborating with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to inform its members and employees, respectively, on emerging science issues challenging food ingredient safety assessments. Two colloquia have been held so far and their materials have now been made publicly available. A first training was on “Complexities in evaluating human clinical and observational data for ingredient safety assessment: partially hydrogenated oils as case study” and a second training about “Application of ADME/PK studies to improve safety assessments for foods and cosmetics”.

In the near future two additional colloquia are planned for FDA employees and SOT members: “Immunotoxicology in food and ingredient safety assessment (April 14)” and “Contemporary issues in risk assessment (June 17)“. The meetings can also be attended remotely as webcasts by eligible participants.

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Betty Eidemiller (April 9, 2015). “SOT FDA food safety colloquia materials available.” SOT