On October 26, 2017, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published “a set of rules that detail how EFSA will implement the [Independence] Policy in practice and that provides guidance to scientific experts and others on how to declare relevant interests and how they will be assessed by EFSA to prevent conflicts.” EFSA’s Management Board adopted its new independence policy in June 2017 (FPF reported). EFSA informed that the new rules will be applied to the selection procedure for the renewal of the authority’s Scientific Panels for which the mandate begins in July 2018.

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EFSA (October 26, 2017). “Implementing EFSA’s independence policy: Rules published.

EFSA (October 26, 2017). “EFSA explains independence: EFSA’s independence policy 2017 and implementing rules.


EFSA (October 26, 2017). “Decision of the Executive Director of the European Food Safety Authority on competing interest management.