On July 25, 2013 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a scientific opinion on a time-temperature indicator system based on Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and acid fuchsin for use in food contact materials. The system indicates storage duration and harmful temperature changes and is considered safe by EFSA’s Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes, Flavourings and Processing Aids (CEF). All ingredients of the system other than the color change indicator acid fuchsin are already authorized for food contact use. For acid fuchsin, the CEF panel reported a positive response in a bacterial gene mutation assay and a negative response in an in vitro micronucleus assay. The genotoxic potential of acid fuchsin could not be ruled out. However, the CEF panel concluded that given acid fuchsin’s and C. maltaromaticum’s containment in a sachet attached to the outer surface of the packaging of chilled food, no migration from the system into the food is expected. The intelligent packaging system is therefore considered safe for the use in food contact materials.


CEF (2013). “Scientific Opinion on the safety evaluation of a time-temperature indicator system, based on Carnobacterium maltaromaticum and acid fuchsin for use in food contact materials.” EFSA Journal 2013;11(7):3307 [10 pp.].