On December 2, 2016 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that they are “developing scientific guidance to enable identification of endocrine disruptors.” EFSA and ECHA note that Member States are currently discussing the criteria for identifying endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) as proposed by the European Commission (EC) (FPF reported) and that “the criteria are expected to enter into force in 2017.” Harmonized guidance will be needed to apply the EDC criteria once they have entered into force. Therefore, EFSA and ECHA will prepare an outline of the guidance with support from the EC’s Joint Research Centre (JRC). Based on the outline, a draft guidance shall be produced during the first half of 2017 and published for public consultation. EFSA and ECHA expect the guidance to be finalized in 2017.

On October 27, 2016 members of the EFSA/ECHA/JRC task force on EDC guidance held a kick-off meeting in Parma, Italy. The meeting minutes are available on EFSA’s website.

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EFSA (December 2, 2016). “Endocrine disruptors: EFSA and ECHA start work on guidance.

ECHA (December 2, 2016). “Endocrine disruptors: ECHA and EFSA start work on guidance.

EFSA (December 2, 2016). “Minutes of the kick-off meeting on development of Guidance for Endocrine Disruption hazard identification.(pdf)