Basic copper (II) carbonate (CAS 12069-69-1) is intended for use as an intelligent substance in the ink of a freshness indicator applied in labels inside trays for fresh poultry meat at temperatures from 2°C to 10°C, for a period of up to 12 days. Basic copper (II) carbonate is authorized and listed under the plastic FCM Regulation (EU) No 10/2011. No migration of copper is expected as there should be no direct contact between the substance and the food. In case of incidental direct contact, even complete transfer would remain several orders of magnitude lower than the current applicable migration limit of 5 mg/kg. The residual amount of solvents in the printed label was found to be low and worst-case migration assuming total mass transfer would be in the order of a low, but undisclosed concentration. Therefore, the CEF Panel concluded that the use of basic copper (II) carbonate as a freshness indicator for packed poultry meat is safe for consumers if the migration limit of copper is met.

Citric acid (CAS 77-92-9) and sodium hydrogen carbonate (CAS 144-55-8) are intended for use as a carbon dioxide (CO2) generator in trays for fresh poultry meat at refrigeration temperature. The two substances are activated by contact with meat exudate to subsequently react together and release CO2. The active substances are authorized for use in plastic FCMs (Regulation (EU) No 10/2011) and as food additives (Regulation (EU) No 1129/2011). The substances are physically separated from the poultry meat to prevent direct contact and the pack design prevents any return of meat exudate. Therefore, the CEF Panel concluded that citric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate, used to generate CO2 in the atmosphere of packed fresh poultry meat, are safe for consumers. However, the CEF Panel notes that there should be no direct contact of the active substances with the fresh poultry meat as well as no backflow of exudate that could bring the active substances into contact with the food.

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CEF (July 21, 2016). “Safety assessment of the substance basic copper (II) carbonate for use in intelligent food contact materials.

CEF (July 21, 2016). “Safety assessment of the active substances citric acid and sodium hydrogen carbonate for use in active food contact materials.