On August 27, 2013 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) informed the public of an open consultation concerning the chemical bisphenol A (BPA). According to ECHA’s press release, the agency is seeking public input regarding BPA’s classification as a reproductive toxin. Currently, BPA is classified under reproductive toxicity category 2. Member state France has now submitted a proposal to amend this classification, changing it to category 1B (“may damage fertility”). It was stressed by ECHA that this amendment would address only the adverse effects on reproduction, but not those on developmental toxicity or other endpoints. A reclassification of BPA to category 1B would imply regulatory consequences under REACH. Public input can be given until October 11, 2013. According to the industry association PlasticsEurope there is no need for a reclassification of BPA.

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Public consultation launched on a proposal for revision of the harmonised classification and labelling on bisphenol A. European Chemicals Agency.  August 27, 2013.

France pushes for bisphenol A reclassification. FoodQualityNews.com. August 29, 2013.