On June 11, 2020, the European Commission (EC) announced the publication of a roadmap document outlining the creation of an impact assessment for revision of current EU legislation on packaging waste. Currently, placing packaging on the market and control of packaging waste prevention and management is included within Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste. Within this new initiative, the EC is planning to review and revise these current requirements on packaging to:

  • “improve packaging design to promote reuse and recycling;
  • increase recycled content in packaging;
  • tackle excessive packaging;
  • reduce packaging waste.”

The roadmap outlines the context and problem definition, objections and foreseen policy options, and a preliminary assessment of expected impacts from the revisions. The impact assessment is set to be created in 2020 to support the EC’s proposal to revise the legislation, which is then planned for adoption in 2021. The initiative does not currently mention the presence or management of chemicals within food packaging.

The roadmap is open for public comment until August 6, 2020.

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EC (June 11, 2020). “Reducing packaging waste – review of rules.”