On November 3, 2014 the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KEMI) announced their aim to co-operate closely in order to increase their influence in the EU policy discussions on chemical regulation. The two agencies have identified several key areas for cooperation, including drafting of joint proposals for chemical restrictions and recommendations proposing addition of chemicals to the list of substances of very high concern (SVHCs). The focus will be given to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), the mixture effects of chemicals and nanomaterials. The increased cooperation shall ensure safer chemicals and thus better protection for human health and environment in the EU as well as internationally, says Nina Cromnier, Director General of KEMI.

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Danish EPA (November 3, 2014). “Styrket samarbejde om kemi med Sverige.(in Danish)

KEMI (November 3, 2014). “Kemikalieinspektionen och Miljöstyrelsen överens om långsiktigt samarbete.(in Swedish)