On November 29, 2018, European Commission (EC) opened a public consultation in form of a questionnaire to be filled, titled “Towards an EU Product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy.” This consultation is held in relation to the roadmap released and consulted on in May 2018 (FPF reported). That roadmap outlined the plans to “examine options and actions for a more coherent policy framework of the different strands of work of EU product policy in their contribution to the circular economy.”

The present consultation is held in a form of a questionnaire to be filled by the respondents. It targets “the general public, given their vital role in purchasing, using or consuming and discarding products,” and aims “to better understand the grounds on which they take decisions relating to products.” It also targets “businesses and other stakeholders” as they “have more in-depth knowledge, as well as “civil society including NGOs” who “often have expectations of the goals pursued by EU product policies.” Further, the “national and regional authorities in Members States” are also invited to respond, because “local policies can complement EU policies and information on this is very relevant.”

The feedback period closes on January 24, 2019.

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EC (November 29, 2018). “Towards an EU Product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy.” Public consultation

Chemical Watch (December 20, 2018). “Commission opens up EU circular economy initiative for public comment.


EC (May 7, 2018). “Towards an EU product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy.” Roadmap