In an article published on January 22, 2016 the Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemicals informs about chemical migration tests conducted with eight drinking bottles. Four plastic drinking bottles, one glass drinking bottle with a plastic lid, and three metal drinking bottles were tested for chemicals of concern (COCs) such as bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7), phthalates, and heavy metals. None of these COCs were detected. However, one of the metal bottles released small amounts of aluminum. The release was below the guideline value but exceeded the limit value for tap water. Further, chemical migration from the plastic bottles into drink simulants for sour liquids like lemonade or juice was measured. One plastic bottle released “small amounts of chemical substances.” Only the total amount of chemical migrate was measured, the individual substances were not identified. Christel Søgaard Kirkeby, project manager at the Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemicals, is pleased with the manufacturers “for producing drinking bottles with almost no unwanted chemicals.”

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Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemicals (January 22, 2016). “Drinking bottles do well in chemical test.

Danish Consumer Council THINK Chemicals (January 14, 2016). “Test: Kemi i drikkedunke.(in Danish)