In an article published on March 17, 2018, the Endocrine Society informed about new research in mice investigating the impacts of prenatal exposure to bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7) on brain development. The research will be presented today at the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, ENDO 2018, in Chicago, U.S..

Lead researcher Deborah Kurrasch and colleagues from the University of Calgary, Canada, fed one group of pregnant mice BPA-free food, a second group received food with high doses of BPA, and a third group was fed low-dose BPA food. The mouse pups prenatally exposed to high and low doses of BPA had increased numbers of neurons created during early development, compared to the mouse pups that were not exposed to BPA. Siblings of the BPA-exposed pups showed altered social behavior and increased hyperactivity, “with no defects in learning, memory, or spatiomotor skills.”

“Although there is still work to be done to translate these rodent effects to human pregnancy, this research could provide expectant mothers with important information on what to avoid to best protect their babies,” Kurrasch stated.

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Endocrine Society (March 17, 2018). “Exposure to low levels of BPA during pregnancy can lead to altered brain development.

Jim Daley (March 20, 2018). “BPA exposure alters behavior and brain development in mice: Study.The Scientist


Nesan, D., et al. (2018). “OR22-1 – Gestational BPA exposure in mice alters hypothalamic neurogenesis leading to lasting behavioral defects.ENDO 2018