On August 3, 2018, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) published a statement regarding the occurrence of the childhood disease molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) and children’s exposure to bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7). Recently, there have been media reports linking this dental deficiency to uptake of BPA, the BfR informed. The reports are based on scientific studies in rats conducted by Katia Jedeon and colleagues and published in different peer-reviewed journals in 2013, 2014, and 2016.

The BfR evaluated the 2013 Jedeon study and concluded that there is no significant link between the uptake of BPA and the development of MIH in children. According to more recent data from the Netherlands (FPF reported), children’s exposure to BPA is much lower than the dose used by Jedeon and colleagues. Therefore, and because of the toxicokinetic differences between rats and humans in the neonatal phase, the BfR deems a direct link between BPA and MIH in humans unlikely.

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BfR (August 3, 2018). “Zusammenhang zwischen „Kreidezähnen“ bei Kindern (Molar-Incisor-Hypomineralisation, MIH) und der Aufnahme von Bisphenol A ist nach derzeitigem Stand des Wissens unwahrscheinlich.(pdf; in German)


Jedeon, K. et al. (2013). “Enamel defects reflect perinatal exposure to bisphenol A.American Journal of Pathology 183(1):108-118.

Jedeon, K. et al. (2014). “Estrogen and bisphenol A affect male rat enamel formation and promote ameloblast proliferation.Endocrinology 155(9):3365-3375.

Jedeon, K. et al. (2016). “Impact of three endocrine disruptors, Bisphenol A, Genistein and Vinclozolin on female rat enamel.Bulletin du Groupement international pour la recherche scientifique en stomatologie & odontologie 53(1):e28.

Jedeon, K. et al. (2016). “Androgen Receptor Involvement in Rat Amelogenesis: An Additional Way for Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals to Affect Enamel Synthesis.Endocrinology 157(11):4287-4296.