On April 23, 2018 the German Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) published minutes of the 19th meeting of its commission for consumer goods. A re-appointment of the commission is scheduled for the period 2018-2021.

A representative of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) informed about the planned notification of the German mineral oil ordinance and the future proceedings on a German and/or European measure on printing inks. Furthermore, the status of the EU monitoring program on mineral oils, the ceramics directive, the regulation on BPA ((EU) 2018/213; FPF reported), and the evaluation of the current EU food contact materials regulations by the European Commission were discussed.

Other topics relevant for food contact materials included the toxicological testing of chemicals to be used in printing inks as well as methodological questions regarding the evaluation of paper and board in contact with food. Lists of substances were published that (i) need to be further tested to be included in a BfR recommendation for FCMs, (ii) have been added to BfR recommendations, and (iii) have been changed or removed from BfR recommendations.

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BfR (September 29, 2017). “19. Sitzung der BfR-Kommission für Bedarfsgegenstände. Ergebnisprotokoll vom 16. November 2017.” (pdf; in German)