In a news article published on February 23, 2016 the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) informs about the 2015 ‘r-nano’ report by the French Directorate General of Risk Prevention (DGPR), released on the same day. The ‘r-nano’ scheme, implemented in 2012, registers nanomaterials that are imported, manufactured or distributed in France. The 2015 report analyzes the results from the year 2014. It provides information on the registrations and registrants, as well as on the amounts of nanomaterials produced (in total 300,822 tons) or imported (in total 114,951 tons), and discusses trends compared to previous years.

According to the report, the largest share of nanomaterials registered in 2014 was applied in ‘agriculture, forestry and fishery’ (71.4 %), followed by the ‘formulation of preparation and/or re-packaging’ (14 %), ‘other’ (5.2 %), ‘manufacture of food products’ (2 %), and ‘general manufacturing, e.g. machinery, equipment, vehicles, other transport equipment’ (1.4 %). However, beyond this general so-called ‘sector of use’ classification, no information is given on the actual products that incorporate the registered substances.

The report mentions that the collected data can be used by a number of French organizations from the health and safety sectors. Moreover, public data from the French nanomaterial register have been used by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to identify REACH registration dossiers potentially including nanomaterials.

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Nanotechnology Industries Association (February 23, 2016). “Results of 2014 French Nanomaterial Registration made Public.

French Directorate General of Risk Prevention (February 23, 2016). “Éléments issus des déclarations des substances à l’état nanoparticulaire. RAPPORT D’ETUDE 2015.(pdf)