News Article

Report critically reviews socioeconomic assessments

New Economics Foundation publishes report investigating use of discount rates in socioeconomic assessments for industrial chemicals regulations under REACH; recommends considering precautionary principle regardless of economic effects, questions whether effects should be monetized

News Article

Taiwan bans PVC in food packaging

Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) announces food packaging made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will no longer be allowed by July 2023 and it is strengthening its scheme to reduce use of single-use plastic cups

News Article

Call for binding packaging quotas in Germany

German NGOs and industry associations urge national government to introduce binding quotas for reusable beverage containers; say national target of 70% by 2022 will not be achieved unless progressive steps introduced, discount stores adapt, consumer habits change

News Article

India bans PET for certain pharmaceuticals

India phases out PET and other plastic bottles as packaging for medicinal products for pediatric, geriatric use and for use by women in the reproductive age

Event Calendar Conference

Tomorrow Without Toxics

noviembre 22, 2021 - noviembre 26, 2021; Online
International Civil Society Conference on Chemicals Management (ICSCCM)