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Studies present new generic and specific modeling approaches for FCCs migration

Scientists develop nonlinear model for predicting food contact chemical (FCC) migration and apply it to FCCs of high toxicological concern; emphasize usefulness of their model to speed up migration assessment of FCCs; different group of scientists proposes an innovative modeling approach to assess release of a specific additives and elements from plastic food packaging and steel processing tools

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Studies examine bio-based active packaging and drivers to mitigate pollution

Literature review explores opportunities of bio-based active materials in food packaging applications and the circular economy; demonstrates high research interest in the topic over last 20 years; finds agro-industrial waste as promising, renewable, and environmentally friendly resource for bio-based materials; study finds circular economy to be the focus of perspective articles to mitigate plastic pollution but mismatch with psychosocial research


Listado alfabético de términos empleados en los temas de salud relacionados con los envases alimentarios.

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Consumer perspectives on switching to reusable packaging

Four recent studies explore how to switch to reusable packaging; concerns related to hygiene and return logistics are barriers identified by all studies; cultural and socio-economic factors, the food items, and the setting play major role in the successful rollout; consumer desirability, business viability, sustainability, and technical feasibility are interlocked, and their combined analysis can support the roll-out of reuse systems

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Summer 2023 research snapshot: PFAS in food packaging, food, and potential health impacts

A summary of eight studies; scientists quantify per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in French fast food packaging; detect eleven PFAS in baking trays from China but not Spain; find PFAS in straws made of paper, bamboo, glass, and plastic; “compostable” service ware can contaminate compost with PFAS; find PFAS in edible oil worldwide; further articles focus on PFAS in drinking water, in Asia, and effects on child respiratory health

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Studies investigate circular economy barriers, consumer perceptions

Recent set of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals review current barriers in flexible plastics to achieving circular economy, recommends regulatory policies be tailored to individual steps in supply chain; consumers easily confused by plastic waste management system, recycling processes, biodegradability claims; researchers instead propose food system shift towards decentralization, shorter supply chains

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Regulation drives substitution of SVHCs

ECHA-commissioned study shows that REACH is important driver for substitution of hazardous chemicals in the EU; more resources and infrastructure required; education on substitution, collaboration within supply chains need improvement