News Article

BPA in cans from ethnic stores

Center for Environmental Health provides information on BPA presence in coatings of cans sold in small ethnic stores in U.S.; finds BPA in coatings of over 90% of surveyed cans; calls for listing of these products in California’s Proposal65 database on BPA

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Bulk food in supermarkets: growth and challenges

Article by Civil Eats discusses the rise of bulk food dispensers in grocery stores to reduce food packaging and challenges they face; presents initiatives from larger chains including re-use of customers’ containers; addresses food safety concerns, need for educating consumers

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South Korea implementing deposit scheme for disposable cups

South Korean Ministry of Environment announces disposable cups from chain cafes and fast-food restaurants will have 300 KRW deposit beginning June 10, 2022; applies to chains with more than 100 branches, 38,000 stores total; plan includes production standards for plastic and paper cups to ensure recyclability; part of South Korea’s 2050 carbon neutrality goal

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Nordic Council checks compliance of products sold online

Inspectors from Nordic countries examine 361 products ordered online for compliance with various EU chemicals legislation; find 53% non-compliant, higher rate of non-compliance for products sold by companies outside of EU; lead, short chain chlorinated paraffins, diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) detected most often

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Taiwan bans PVC in food packaging

Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) announces food packaging made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) will no longer be allowed by July 2023 and it is strengthening its scheme to reduce use of single-use plastic cups

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Politico presents concerns about the US FDA

Politico reports the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lacks clear leadership managing food safety in the country, leading to delays and impacting the health of those living in the US; Environmental Working Group study finds nearly 99% of food chemicals added to the US market since 2000 were introduced through the generally recognized as safe (GRAS) rule

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Opinion: Walgreens should pull toxic products

Petition calls upon US drugstore chain to remove toxic chemicals from products, member of Montana Conservation Voters criticizes lacking chemicals policy