On May 20, 2015 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) informed about their ongoing work in the field of endocrine active substances, in particular on the issues of non-monotonic dose-response relationships and biological relevance in risk assessment. Following up on their Scientific Opinion on the hazard assessment of endocrine disruptors published in 2013 (FPF reported), EFSA commissioned a review of non-monotonic dose-responses of substances for human risk assessment. The project was awarded to the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Karolinska Institutet of Sweden as well as the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and it is due to conclude by the end of 2015. In addition, EFSA is currently developing guidance for the identification of biological relevance of adverse positive health effects from experimental and human studies. Further, EFSA scientists will present their ongoing work at the European Commission conference on «Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts» held on June 1, 2015 in Brussels.

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EFSA (May 20, 2015). “Endocrine active substances and non-monotonic dose response – EFSA’s ongoing work.

EFSA (March 20, 2013). “Scientific Opinion on the hazard assessment of endocrine disruptors: Scientific criteria for identification of endocrine disruptors and appropriateness of existing test methods for assessing effects mediated by these substances on human health and the environment.