In a TEDx presentation by the Executive Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Dr. Victoria Maizes, the scientist discusses a new business idea for creating chemically safe foods. Based on scientific evidence, Dr. Maizes explains that certain chemical exposures are linked to medical conditions like infertility and prostate cancer. Reducing such chemicals in everyday life is possible by making informed choices, like buying organic foods and avoiding BPA or phthalates from food packaging, however there is also evidence showing that organic foodstuffs may be contaminated unknowingly with substances of concern prior to packaging (FPF article). In the video published online on May 14, 2013 Dr. Maizes shares her idea for a food label that guarantees “toxicant-free” products and invites a public-private partnership involving industry and environmental groups. Such products would require some initial research and development investment, but they would likely be a success with highly sensitive consumers wishing to avoid harmful chemical exposures, according to Dr. Maizes.


‘Beyond Organic’. TEDx Video, 14 May 2013.