On May 22, 2013 the secretary of the International Council of Chemical Associations Hubert Mandery addressed a letter to the United Nations Environment Programme executive director Achim Steiner. The letter was a response to the UNEP/World Health Organisation (WHO) report on endocrine disruption published February 19, 2013 (see FPF article).

In his letter Mandery criticizes that the report gives the impression that current chemical risk assessment does not protect consumers adequately from chemical hazards. He also disagrees with the terminology used in the report, which he considers imprecise mixing activity, adversity and disruption. He further points to the progress made by the Organisation of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in developing testing guidelines aimed at the identification of endocrine disruption. Mandery supports his arguments with statements from the United Kingdom Hazardous Substances Committee and offers the possibility of dialogue with UNEP.

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Letter (pdf)

International Association of Chemical Industries