On June 1, 2015 the European Commission (EC) will hold a conference entitled «Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts». The one-day conference will take place in Brussels, Belgium and will discuss the impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the context of the Plant Protection Products Regulation (EC) 1107/2009 and the Biocidal Products Regulation (EU) 528/2012. The conference aims to inform Member States, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), third countries representatives and stakeholders about the on-going impact assessment. Furthermore, it aims to facilitate exchanges of views. The event is free of charge and it will be web streamed. Registration by May 19, 2015 is required.

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EC (April 17, 2015). “Conference ‘Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts’.