On July 25, 2013, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published the draft scientific opinion on the exposure assessment of bisphenol A (BPA). The scientific opinion states that diet is the most important source of exposure to BPA, but that thermal paper may also be of significance. EFSA’s scientific experts further concluded that exposure to BPA is lower than previously thought. High exposures in toddlers are estimated to amount to up to 857 ng/kg body weight (bw)/day in contrast to the 5300 ng/kg bw/day estimated by EFSA in 2006.

EFSA now seeks feedback on the draft assessment of consumer exposure to BPA. The scientific opinion will be open for public consultation until September 15, 2013. The second part of the risk assessment of BPA, addressing toxicology and human health effects of BPA, is scheduled for publication in January 2014. EFSA had recently announced splitting the publication of the scientific opinion on BPA in two, as the agency requires more time to evaluate health effects identified in animal studies and their relevance for human health (previously reported on by the FPF).

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EFSA press release

FPF article on “EFSA to extend adoption of BPA scientific opinion once more


CEF (2013). “DRAFT Scientific Opinion on the risks to public health related to the presence of bisphenol A (BPA) in foodstuffs – Part: exposure assessmentEFSA Journal (published online July 25, 2013).