A recent study found a link between bisphenol A (BPA) and migraines (Vermeer et al. 2013) as reported in an article published on December 2, 2013 by the British news agency Mail. According to the journalist Mark Howarth, 1 in 7 British adults are affected by migraines. In the in vivo study by Vermeer and colleagues, rats exposed to BPA were observed to develop migraine-like behaviors, including noise and light sensitivity. Generally migraines are thought to be genetically predisposed, but external triggers may implicate the occurrence of headaches, the neurologist Fayyaz Ahmed is quoted by Howarth. Citing Vermeer and colleagues, Howarth stresses that reducing exposure through a change in diet “may reduce headache frequency and/or severity”. BPA is used as a monomer in polycarbonate (PC) plastics and epoxy resins in food contact materials (FCMs), such as cans and reusable storage containers.

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Mark Howarth (December 2, 2013). “Migraines link to plastic cups and bottles: ‘Gender-bending’ chemical in packaging may trigger the attacks.


Vermeer et al. (2013). “Exposure to Bisphenol A Exacerbates Migraine-Like Behaviors in a Multibehavior Model of Rat MigraineToxicological Sciences (published online November 4, 2013).