A report published on June 16, 2023, by UK-based civil society organization City to Sea outlines how innovations in packaging could improve reuse systems on the market. Specifically, City to Sea cited consumer confusion surrounding refill and reuse options as a driving factor in conducting the research that went into this report.

The goal of the project was to provide recommendations for brands and retailers on maximizing the potential of reusable packaging. Specifically, by identifying consumer groups most likely to change their behavior and facilitating a trial of prefilled returnable packaging.

Three crucial factors for turning intention into reality were identified: (i) a convenient and frictionless user experience, (ii) price parity with existing options, and (iii) receptive demographics. The three main consumer groups ready to adopt reuse extensively make up over three-quarters of the population (FPF reported).

The text discusses the significant opportunity for refillable, reusable, and returnable packaging with insights from behavior-change consultants, campaigners, supply chain specialists, retail brands, and grocery brands in the UK.

Other efforts in the sustainable packaging world have often focused on recycling and reducing single-use packaging rather than rethinking packaging circulation (FPF reported and here). Overcoming structural barriers such as commercial viability, packaging standardization, and industrial standards for cleaning reusable packaging is necessary to enable efficient reuse systems. Existing research has identified gaps between consumer perceptions and behaviors, as well as the need to balance factors like convenience, cost, and product availability (FPF reported and here). But the demand for reusable packaging exists, and consumers are expressing frustration over the lack of provisions in place, according to the report.

News outlet Circular reported on June 16, 2023, that the Chartered Institution of Waste Management (CIWM) together with ResourceFutures, has urged the UK to take the lead in adopting reuse and refill packaging systems to establish a circular economy. They recommend a long-term strategy to bridge the policy gap on reuse, extending beyond consumer packaging to various sectors. In a policy comment, CIWM emphasized the need to reduce overall material consumption and consider end-of-life pathways. They also stressed cautious design and adequate support for regulators and local authorities. Furthermore, the organization urges the government and stakeholders to prioritize reuse for waste reduction and plastic pollution prevention.



City to Sea (June 16, 2023). “Ready to prefill? Market innovation to unlock growth in the market.

Peter Dennis (June 16, 2023). “The UK must show leadership on reuse, says CIWM.Circular

Policy Connect (April 24, 2023). “Call for evidence: Reusable packaging and the circular economy.